The Holy Spirit and Illumination 

      The Holy Spirit and Illumination - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Illumination results when someone grasps a truth or concept previously not understood.  It’s also referred to as enlightenment or comprehension, and it is a priceless commodity.  Illumination is the principle task of the Holy Spirit, and the chief means He uses to illuminate is the very Word of God that He Himself has inspired.  The inspiration of the Scriptures provides illumination to the reader of Scripture.  The psalmist said it so well in Psalm 119, when he uttered the words, “The entrance of Thy words giveth light.  It gives understanding unto the simple.  The truth is man doesn’t really know very much, certainly not much at all compared to what there is to be known.  God has devised a learning curve for us so as to dispel the ignorance and confusion that comes from being a fallen creature living in a fallen world.  This learning curve is provided by the information set forth in the Bible, which the Holy Spirit has inspired and provided for this very reason.  God doesn’t want us to be in the dark so He has provided light, understanding, comprehension, all so we can understand what really is true and be able to orient our lives accordingly.

All of life consists of decision and choices to be made about everything, in every venue, whoever you are, wherever you live, or whenever you live.  To make good decisions you need good information, truthful information.  This is what the Bible is all about.  It’s the dispensing of truthful information.  God, the Holy Spirit, who is also called “The Spirit of Truth” by Christ in John 16, has superintended inspiring and recording of the Bible to provide us with the illumination we need to enable us to make right decisions.  It’s truly ironic that the Bible, which so many so-called sophisticated moderns reject out of hand because they think it outmoded and irrelevant, is the very thing, and the only thing, that can truly enlighten them.  Tragically, this they spurn to their own detriment and futility, leaving them nothing but the pursuit of the winds of the latest so-called experts after whom they grovel.  In reality, God is the only expert there is.  The Holy Spirit has pressed divine expertise into the Scriptures so that in them we have all we need to know to face the issues of daily life.

Let’s be reminded that what the Apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy in his last letter before his execution, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, in order that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”  This Word, this Bible, is the very illumination of God Himself.


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