The Preservation of the Bible (Part 1)

      The Preservation of the Bible - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

None other than Jesus Christ Himself has said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Word shall not pass away.” With each passing day the Savior has made good His Word. Not that there have not been a multiple of attempts to make His Word pass away, because there have been. Kings, dictators and other despots have sought to completely eliminate the Bible from its very existence. Yet the “Old Book” masterfully presses on, oblivious to the puny human efforts to bury it.

This pressing on we call “the indestructibility of the Bible.” The more it is banned and burned, the more it proliferates. It’s as if in destroying one Bible, two are spawned in its demise. It must have been terribly frustrating to the tyrants who tried to do it in. We count the indestructibility of the Bible as one of the evidence for its origin being of God. And while we would not claim that its survival to date proves that it came from God, it certainly is a telling indication in that direction. What does the logic of the matter tell us? It tells us that if, and I say if the Bible did originate from God, it had better be indestructible. It is clearly unthinkable that God Himself would provide the Bible to be his revelation to man, only to have it come to naught. What kind of a god would He be to have provided the Bible for man’s information, and not be able to preserve and protect it from extinction? It would appear “The Almighty” failed in one of his chief job descriptions.

Add to what Jesus said in Mark 13 about His Word not passing away,  another of several light quotes from the Old Testament as well – Psalm 119: “Forever, oh Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.” It would seem that the Word would require staying power to have been and remain settled in heaven forever. And why would any even seek its destruction? Why not simply ignore the Bible if you won’t embrace it? The Bible is viewed as an enemy by people who are evil. What’s the predictable thing evil wants to do to all enemies? Eliminate them. The Bible competes for influence in the hearts and lives of the same people appealed to by evil men. The Bible is a competitor for the souls and allegiance of mankind. Getting rid of “Thus saith the Lord,” makes the pronouncements of men more palatable. But man cannot rid himself of “The Book.” It’s God’s book, and it enjoys God’s protection guaranteeing it’s amazing indestructibility. To recall that significant quote by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer once again, “The Bible is a book such as man could not write if he would, and would not write if he could.”



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