Where Did It All Begin?

      When and How Did Everything Begin? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This is the Biblical history of earth and humanity. Without apology, we look to the Bible as the only available authoritative account of earth and human origins. The first two chapters of Genesis contain a divinely inspired record of creation in six literal days, and ceasing for the seventh, thus establishing worldwide the 7-Day week still in place.

Christ affirmed the Genesis account in Matthew 19 when he chided the Pharisees by asking, “Have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female?” Christ did not subscribe to a six-day creation because he was captive to tradition but because He knew it to be true. Taking the biblical account at face value and believing the Bible to be a book of divine disclosure, a straightforward approach to the Genesis account is the most logical. Secularist insists the earth is billions of years old while the creation accounts settles in somewhere less than 10,000 years. Even 10,000 years forces man to stretch his thinking. Yet, we can do this.

Many today could easily comprehend 100 years because they have lived them. Even 10,000, as long as it is, is merely one hundred times the 100 we can comprehend –  long, but not beyond our ability to compute. Billions is clearly incomprehensible.
And why does earth´s age need to be comprehensible? Because Scripture reveals God has made earth and man his centerpiece. Earth was made for man, placed where it is for man, and equipped for man. Thus, man is able to identify with his God-given home of earth, including its origin and age. Further, to say that creation by divine fiat is religion or faith, while evolution is scientific, is complete nonsense. There are reputable scientists worldwide with advanced degrees in varied disciplines who flatly reject evolution as scientifically unsustainable.
Only special creation provides purpose and meaning for life. Origin and destiny are inseparably connected. Without deliberate origin reflecting intentionality, life is devoid of meaning – that Godless, random acts, behind the supposed billions of years, provide no satisfying answers. Special creation does. And while that alone does not validate it, it certainly is in its favor. And not merely man’s past is accounted for, his future is disclosed as well, from the very same source. It’s all in “The Book.”

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